Conference Presentations

November 2018

Results from the CATs project have been presented at the 4th Growth in Transition Conference in Vienna, from 14th to 15th November 2018, where WIFO organised a Breakout Session on Fiscal Reform.

The presentation can be downloaded below:

September 2018

A paper of the CATs project has been presented at the 19th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation im Madrid organised by CEU, from 26th to 28th September 2018.

The presentation can be downloaded below:

June 2018

Papers of the CATs project have been presented at the 41st IAEE International Conference in Groningen as well as at the 37th International Energy Workshop and at the 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists in Gothenburg.

The presentations and the poster can be downloaded below:

September 28th and 29th, 2017

Research outputs of the CATs project have been presented at the 18th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation organised by University of Arizona in Tucson, from 27th to 29th September 2017.

The three presentation can be downloaded below:

July 12th, 2017

One output of the CATs project has been presented at the 36th International Energy Workshop organised by by the Joint Global Change Research Institute of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and University of Maryland (UMD) in College Park, Maryland, from 12th to 14rd July 2017.

The presentation can be downloaded below:

June 22nd, 2017

One output of the CATs project has been presented at the 12th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Conference organised by Corvinus University in Budapest, from 20th to 23rd June 2017.

The presentation can be downloaded below:

May 24th, 2017

The CATs project has been presented at the 18. Österreichischer Klimatag, which took place at University of Vienna, from 22nd to 24th May 2017.

The overview presentation and the poster on the macroeconomic simulation of the introduction of a CO2 tax in Austria (both in German) can be downloaded below:

February 16th, 2017

First results of the CATs project have been presented at the 10. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung (IEWT2017), which took place at Vienna University of Technology, from 15th to 17th February 2017.

The presentations (in German) held by the project team can be downloaded below:

September 22nd, 2016

The ongoing work of the CATs project has been presented in a special session at the 17th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation (GCET17), which took place in Groningen, The Netherlands, from 22nd to 23rd September 2016. Discussions with experts and stakeholders at the conference provide a valuable input for further work.

The presentations held by the project team can be downloaded below: